Prosody data communications Protocols and Encodings

When using data communications with Prosody, a channel is configured for a protocol and an encoding. The protocol transports data which is formatted according to the encoding. A full-duplex connection looks like this:

Diagram of relationship between protocol and encoding

Half a channel can be used to provide only an input or an output connection.

The encodings available are described in Prosody data communications Encodings while the protocols are described in Prosody data communications Protocols.

Not every possible combination of protocol and encoding is possible. These are the available combinations:

Protocol Encoding Direction Firmware Modules required
CPU-R cpumon
Heap-R heapmon
CWHDLC R inchan cwrx fskpll hdlcrx
T outchan cwtx hdlctx
sync R inchan cwrx fskpll syncrx
T outchan cwtx synctx
async R inchan cwrx fskasyrx
T outchan cwtx asytx
FSKHDLC R inchan fskrx fskpll hdlcrx
T outchan fsktx hdlctx
sync R inchan fskrx fskpll syncrx
T outchan fsktx synctx
async R inchan fskrx fskasyrx
T outchan fsktx asytx
TTY-R ttyasyrx
rawHDLC R datarx hdlcrx
T datatx hdlctx
sync R datarx syncrx
T datatx synctx
async R datarx asyrx
T datatx asytx
- R datarx
T datatx
T.38-R ifprx fmprx
-T ifptx fmptx
V.110-R & T v110
V.110 RLP- R v110rlpr
T v110rlpt
V.17HDLC R inchan v17rx hdlcrx
T outchan six2five v17tx hdlctx
sync R inchan v17rx syncrx
T outchan six2five v17tx synctx
async R inchan v17rx asyrx
T outchan six2five v17tx asytx
V.27terHDLC R inchan v27rx hdlcrx
T outchan six2five v27tx hdlctx
sync R inchan v27rx syncrx
T outchan six2five v27tx synctx
async R inchan v27rx asyrx
T outchan six2five v27tx asytx
V.29HDLC R inchan v29rx hdlcrx
T outchan six2five v29tx hdlctx
sync R inchan v29rx syncrx
T outchan six2five v29tx synctx
async R inchan v29rx asyrx
T outchan six2five v29tx asytx
V.32HDLC R inchan v32 hdlcrx
T outchan v32 hdlctx
sync R inchan v32 syncrx
T outchan v32 synctx
async R inchan v32 asyrx
T outchan v32 asytx
V.34 half duplexHDLC R inchan v34 hdlcrx
T outchan v34 hdlctx
sync R inchan v34 syncrx
T outchan v34 synctx
async R inchan v34 asyrx
T outchan v34 asytx
V.34 full duplexHDLC R inchan v34fdx hdlcrx
T outchan v34fdx hdlctx
sync R inchan v34fdx syncrx
T outchan v34fdx synctx
async R inchan v34fdx asyrx
T outchan v34fdx asytx