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We’ve been busy in the background recently at Aculab with a major website refresh. Aculab has evolved over decades (40 years this year!) from a vendor supplying hardware to a much more software-centric product company. We still sell telecom gateways extensively, but nowadays the bulk of our enabling technology business is software, and in particular our communications platform-as-a-service (CPaaS) product, Aculab Cloud.

Way back in 2007, while presenting a seminar in Prague, someone asked me for my prediction on when SS7 would no longer be in use. My answer was suitably vague, but something on the lines of, “at least 10 to 15 years.” Ten years on, I wasn’t wrong. Still, I may not be right. SS7 is showing its age, but it’s not about to draw its pension just yet.

You might think that fax would be as extinct as the Martinique Parrot. That parrot vanished in the 17th Century. Fax was invented two hundred years later, by the Scottish clockmaker, Alexander Bain. It took a while though, until the late 20th Century, for facsimile machines to become popular. However, if the lack of commentary by the majority of today’s technology observers is anything to go by, you’d be forgiven for thinking it too had died out. The truth is that it remains extant, and it shows little sign of going the way of the Martinique.

Languages, eh; who would have thought that in the 21st Century there would still be so much diversity?

In Westeros, in the world of George R. R. Martin’s epic Game of Thrones, there are spoken only two major languages – the Old Tongue and the Common Tongue. But what about computer languages?


The Aculab blog

News, views and industry insights from Aculab

  • Eliminating Barriers to Communication with Live Audio Translation for Phone Calls

    In an increasingly interconnected world, clear and effective communication is more essential than ever. That’s why Aculab intends to help break down language barriers and foster cross-cultural communications.

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  • The End of the PSTN in the US

    As the technical world has evolved, so has the way we communicate. The gradual, global transition away from the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is the most noticeable change in recent years. This begs the question, is the PSTN in the US headed towards a slow end as we transition into the digital era?

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  • Revolutionising the Landscape of Remote Authentication

    In a time where borders blur and workplaces extend beyond the confines of traditional offices, the significance of remote authentication has taken centre stage. As we advance, so does the need for secure and efficient ways to verify and authenticate our identity remotely. Finding the balance between security and user convenience is key when seeking to implement successful remote authentication.


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  • Choosing The Ideal Communication Platform: Key Considerations to Optimise Your Business

    Communication Platforms as a Service have become a necessity in the current digital age; allowing businesses to obtain frictionless means of communicating effectively. However, as technology rapidly evolves, so must communications. Much of the platforms on offer today are homogenous, so choosing the best fit for your business can be difficult. In this blog, we have shared some key points and trends for to consider, so your business can amplify communications and increase operational efficiency!


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  • 10 questions people are asking about The Big Switch Off

    With The Big Switch Off fast approaching, people naturally have questions and concerns ahead of the shutdown. The transition from conventional networks to digital technology is unavoidable in the fast-evolving world of telecommunications. In this blog, we address ten common questions people have about the Big PSTN Switch Off, shedding light on the topic and providing clarity.


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