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The fight against wildfires using telecoms

Wildfires (or forest fires) are happening more and often every year. While it is true that wildfires are a natural process, the frequency and intensity that we are starting to see year-on-year across the globe is concerning. Continue reading to find out how Aculab provides mission-critical infrastructure for emergency networks, to tackle high-risk situations such as wildfires.

Santa vs CPaaS

With over a third of shoppers planning to do Christmas shopping solely online, and 61% taking a hybrid approach, how can you ensure your company's orders are delivered, on time and securely? Find out how you can improve Christmas shopping for your customers by using CPaaS.

In the last year, global e-commerce has jumped to over $26.7 trillion, accelerated by COVID-19 according to United Nations UN News. It all sounds like great news for the economy, however fraudsters are following this upward trend and adapting their scams.


The Aculab blog

News, views and industry insights from Aculab

  • Eliminating Barriers to Communication with Live Audio Translation for Phone Calls

    In an increasingly interconnected world, clear and effective communication is more essential than ever. That’s why Aculab intends to help break down language barriers and foster cross-cultural communications.

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  • The End of the PSTN in the US

    As the technical world has evolved, so has the way we communicate. The gradual, global transition away from the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is the most noticeable change in recent years. This begs the question, is the PSTN in the US headed towards a slow end as we transition into the digital era?

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  • Revolutionising the Landscape of Remote Authentication

    In a time where borders blur and workplaces extend beyond the confines of traditional offices, the significance of remote authentication has taken centre stage. As we advance, so does the need for secure and efficient ways to verify and authenticate our identity remotely. Finding the balance between security and user convenience is key when seeking to implement successful remote authentication.


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  • Choosing The Ideal Communication Platform: Key Considerations to Optimise Your Business

    Communication Platforms as a Service have become a necessity in the current digital age; allowing businesses to obtain frictionless means of communicating effectively. However, as technology rapidly evolves, so must communications. Much of the platforms on offer today are homogenous, so choosing the best fit for your business can be difficult. In this blog, we have shared some key points and trends for to consider, so your business can amplify communications and increase operational efficiency!


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  • 10 questions people are asking about The Big Switch Off

    With The Big Switch Off fast approaching, people naturally have questions and concerns ahead of the shutdown. The transition from conventional networks to digital technology is unavoidable in the fast-evolving world of telecommunications. In this blog, we address ten common questions people have about the Big PSTN Switch Off, shedding light on the topic and providing clarity.


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