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classify callee

This controls parameters used in the classification of the type of callee during a connect action.

Used by action connect

language wrappers and examples

It contains the following properties:

Property Required/Optional Default Description
enable optional true true or false. Whether to enable classification of the far end of the secondary call.
live speaker detection mode optional default One of default, network_connect or answer_detect. See the live speaker detection guide for details of these modes.
milliseconds timeout optional 7000 An integer in the range 500-10000. The timeout for classification in milliseconds.
hang up on answering machine optional true Hang up the secondary call if it is to an answering machine.
hang up on fax machine optional true Hang up the secondary call if it is to a fax machine.
answering machine ready to record optional - An answering machine ready to record object.

  • Examples:

    • Configure classifying the callee. If it is an answering machine wait for the message to finish but hang up if it's a fax machine:

      		"enable" : true,
      		"live_speaker_detection_mode" : "network_connect",
      		"milliseconds_timeout" : 5000,
      		"hang_up_on_answering_machine" : false,
      		"hang_up_on_fax_machine" : true,
      		"answering_machine_ready_to_record" :
      			"milliseconds_min_beep_duration" : 300,
      			"milliseconds_post_beep_silence" : 2000,
      			"milliseconds_no_beep_silence" : 10000,
      			"seconds_max_message_duration" : 30
  • ClassifyCallee Class
    Namespace: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper
    Assembly: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper.dll

    A class representing some parameters used in the classification of the type of callee on an outbound call.

    • public class ClassifyCallee 
          // Constructors
          public ClassifyCallee();
          public ClassifyCallee(int millisecondsTimeout);
          public ClassifyCallee(int millisecondsTimeout, bool hangUpOnAnsweringMachine);
          public ClassifyCallee(int millisecondsTimeout, bool hangUpOnAnsweringMachine, bool hangUpOnFaxMachine);
          // Members
          public LiveSpeakerDetectionMode? LiveSpeakerDetectionMode;
          public int? MillisecondsTimeout;
          public bool? HangUpOnAnsweringMachine;
          public bool? HangUpOnFaxMachine;
          public AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord;
          public void ConfigureAnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord answeringMachineReadyToRecord);


      • Configure classifying the callee. If it is an answering machine wait for the message to finish but hang up if it's a fax machine:

        var classify = new ClassifyCallee(5000, false, true);
        var answerMachineConfig = new AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(300, 2000, 10000, 30);
        classify.LiveSpeakerDetectionMode = LiveSpeakerDetectionMode.NetworkConnect;
        var connectAction = new Connect("443069990123");
    • public class ClassifyCallee 
          // Constructors
          public ClassifyCallee();
          public ClassifyCallee(int millisecondsTimeout);
          public ClassifyCallee(int millisecondsTimeout, bool hangUpOnAnsweringMachine);
          public ClassifyCallee(int millisecondsTimeout, bool hangUpOnAnsweringMachine, bool hangUpOnFaxMachine);
          // Members
          public LiveSpeakerDetectionMode? LiveSpeakerDetectionMode;
          public int? MillisecondsTimeout;
          public bool? HangUpOnAnsweringMachine;
          public bool? HangUpOnFaxMachine;
          public AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord;
          public void ConfigureAnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord answeringMachineReadyToRecord);


      • Configure classifying the callee. If it is an answering machine wait for the message to finish but hang up if it's a fax machine:

        var classify = new ClassifyCallee(5000, false, true);
        var answerMachineConfig = new AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(300, 2000, 10000, 30);
        classify.LiveSpeakerDetectionMode = LiveSpeakerDetectionMode.NetworkConnect;
        var connectAction = new Connect("443069990123");
    • public class ClassifyCallee 
          // Constructors
          public ClassifyCallee();
          public ClassifyCallee(int millisecondsTimeout);
          public ClassifyCallee(int millisecondsTimeout, bool hangUpOnAnsweringMachine);
          public ClassifyCallee(int millisecondsTimeout, bool hangUpOnAnsweringMachine, bool hangUpOnFaxMachine);
          // Members
          public LiveSpeakerDetectionMode? LiveSpeakerDetectionMode;
          public int? MillisecondsTimeout;
          public bool? HangUpOnAnsweringMachine;
          public bool? HangUpOnFaxMachine;
          public AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord;
          public void ConfigureAnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord answeringMachineReadyToRecord);


      • Configure classifying the callee. If it is an answering machine wait for the message to finish but hang up if it's a fax machine:

        var classify = new ClassifyCallee(5000, false, true);
        var answerMachineConfig = new AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(300, 2000, 10000, 30);
        classify.LiveSpeakerDetectionMode = LiveSpeakerDetectionMode.NetworkConnect;
        var connectAction = new Connect("443069990123");
  • ClassifyCallee Class
    Namespace: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper
    Assembly: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper.dll

    A class representing some parameters used in the classification of the type of callee on an outbound call.

    • Public Class ClassifyCallee
          ' Constructors
          Public Sub New ()
          Public Sub New (millisecondsTimeout As Integer)
          Public Sub New (millisecondsTimeout As Integer, hangUpOnAnsweringMachine As Bool)
          Public Sub New (millisecondsTimeout As Integer, hangUpOnAnsweringMachine As Bool, hangUpOnFaxMachine As Bool)
          ' Members
          Public Property LiveSpeakerDetectionMode As Livespeakerdetectionmode?
          Public Property MillisecondsTimeout As Integer?
          Public Property HangUpOnAnsweringMachine As Bool?
          Public Property HangUpOnFaxMachine As Bool?
          Public Property AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord As Answeringmachinereadytorecord
          Public Function ConfigureAnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(answeringMachineReadyToRecord As Answeringmachinereadytorecord) As Void
      End Class


      • Configure classifying the callee. If it is an answering machine wait for the message to finish but hang up if it's a fax machine:

        Dim classify = New ClassifyCallee(5000, False, True)
        Dim answerMachineConfig = New AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(300, 2000, 10000, 30)
        classify.LiveSpeakerDetectionMode = LiveSpeakerDetectionMode.NetworkConnect
        Dim connectAction = New Connect("443069990123")
    • Public Class ClassifyCallee
          ' Constructors
          Public Sub New ()
          Public Sub New (millisecondsTimeout As Integer)
          Public Sub New (millisecondsTimeout As Integer, hangUpOnAnsweringMachine As Bool)
          Public Sub New (millisecondsTimeout As Integer, hangUpOnAnsweringMachine As Bool, hangUpOnFaxMachine As Bool)
          ' Members
          Public Property LiveSpeakerDetectionMode As Livespeakerdetectionmode?
          Public Property MillisecondsTimeout As Integer?
          Public Property HangUpOnAnsweringMachine As Bool?
          Public Property HangUpOnFaxMachine As Bool?
          Public Property AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord As Answeringmachinereadytorecord
          Public Function ConfigureAnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(answeringMachineReadyToRecord As Answeringmachinereadytorecord) As Void
      End Class


      • Configure classifying the callee. If it is an answering machine wait for the message to finish but hang up if it's a fax machine:

        Dim classify = New ClassifyCallee(5000, False, True)
        Dim answerMachineConfig = New AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(300, 2000, 10000, 30)
        classify.LiveSpeakerDetectionMode = LiveSpeakerDetectionMode.NetworkConnect
        Dim connectAction = New Connect("443069990123")
  • class ClassifyCallee extends JSONElement

    Represents the Classify Callee support class.

    Class synopsis:

    // Constructors:
    public ClassifyCallee()
    public ClassifyCallee(int millisecondsTimeout, boolean hangUpOnAnsweringMachine)
    public ClassifyCallee(int millisecondsTimeout, boolean hangUpOnAnsweringMachine, boolean hangUpOnFaxMachine)
    public ClassifyCallee(int millisecondsTimeout, boolean hangUpOnAnsweringMachine, boolean hangUpOnFaxMachine, LiveSpeakerDetectionMode mode)
    // Members:
    public void setEnable(boolean enable)
    public void setMillisecondsTimeout(int millisecondsTimeout)
    public void setHangUpOnAnsweringMachine(boolean enable)
    public void setHangUpOnFaxMachine(boolean enable)
    public void setAnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord answeringMachineReadyToRecord)
    public void setLiveSpeakerDetectionMode(LiveSpeakerDetectionMode mode)


    • Configure classifying the callee. If it is an answering machine wait for the message to finish but hang up if it's a fax machine:

      AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord answeringMachineOptions = new AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord();
      ClassifyCallee classifyCalleeOptions = new ClassifyCallee();
  • class ClassifyCallee

    Represents the Classify Callee support class.

    Class synopsis:

    # ClassifyCallee object:


    • Configure classifying the callee. If it is an answering machine wait for the message to finish but hang up if it's a fax machine:

      answering_machine_options = AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(milliseconds_min_beep_duration=300, 
      classify_callee = ClassifyCallee(enable=True,
  • The ClassifyCalleeConfiguration class


    Represents the callee classification configuration for a connect action.

    Class synopsis

    class ClassifyCalleeConfiguration {
        /* methods */
        public __construct($opts = array())
        public self setLiveSpeakerDetectionMode(string $mode)
        public self setMillisecondsTimeout(int $msec)
        public self setHangUpOnFaxMachine(boolean $hang_up)
        public self setHangUpOnAnsweringMachine(boolean $hang_up)
        public self setAnsweringMachineReadyToRecordConfiguration(
            int $milliseconds_min_beep_duration,
            int $milliseconds_post_beep_silence,
            int $milliseconds_no_beep_silence,
            int $seconds_max_message_duration


    • Configure classifying the callee. If it is an answering machine wait for the message to finish but hang up if it's a fax machine:

      $classify_configuration = new \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\ClassifyCalleeConfiguration();
          ->setAnsweringMachineReadyToRecordConfiguration(300, 2000, 10000, 30);